After 12 years of service our Chiller Barrel, which is a critical piece of our ice making equipment, needs to be replaced. This is an extremely expensive replacement and is estimated to cost $50,000.
Thankfully, we have had two anonymous benefactors step forward and they are willing to match all funds we raise by September 29th up to $15,000! BLCA is a 501c3 non-profit and your donation may be tax-exempt. You can provide your donation in a couple of ways:
- By Venmoing your donation to Brainerd Lakes Curling
- (@Brainerd Curling). Please enter Chiller Barrel as your description.
- By sending a check via snail mail to the BLCA:
- Brainerd Lakes Curling Association
- PO Box 361
- Brainerd, MN 56401
All donations MUST be received by Sunday, September 29th in order to be matched!
IF you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact any board member.
Chair: Michael McEniry, Pres: Thomas Zimmermann, Sec: Megan Morgan, Tres: Robert Archer, At Large: Megan Junge, Nick Chirhart, Shawn Close, Chris Foley, Tina Johnson, Jerome Mauro, Mark Mitzel